
On StupidCraft, we have rules you must follow at all times when playing on the server, this is to create a safe environment welcome for all ages and types of players. By playing on StupidCraft, you agree to follow all of the rules below on top of the Minecraft's EULA that you agreed to when purchasing your Minecraft account.

Gameplay Regulations

Game Modifications

You are allowed to modify and tweak your game to your liking whilst playing on the server, but the usage of any modifications that give you an unfair advantage over other players are not allowed!

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Hacked Clients.
  • X-ray and/or Cave finders.
  • Mods or Scripts, such as Baritone, that let you automate tasks.
This rule is not just limited to mods, if a resource pack allows you to do anything of the above, it is also considered as an unfair game modification.

Forbidden Builds

On the server, you generally can build whatever your heart desires, but we have some limitations to ensure smooth operation of the server or to be more in-line with the public chat conduct rules on the server, here are some examples of things you cannot build:

  • Builds/Contraptions made to intentionally lag the server or lag other players.
  • Bypassing chat conduct rules using anything that has custom player input, this includes in-game items.
  • Builds that are discriminatory, offensive, or promote hate speech. This includes, but is not limited to, symbols associated with hate groups, offensive language, or anything that could be considered culturally insensitive or disrespectful.

Abusing Bugs & Glitches

The abuse of bugs and/or glitches on the server is strictly forbidden, this includes duplication exploits, please report any issues you encounter on the server to an Administrator or Developer.

Chat Conduct Rules

Inappropriate Language & Discussion

Generally, the chat moderation on the server is fairly laid back and isn't very strict, but we do have some restrictions on what you can say on the server as to ensure that all players feel welcome and respected.

  • Players are not allowed to use racial slurs or make derogatory remarks based on someone's race, ethnicity, or nationality.
  • Players are not allowed to use sexist language or make derogatory remarks based on someone's gender or sexual orientation.
  • Players are not allowed to use discriminatory language or make derogatory remarks based on someone's religion, political beliefs, or any other personal characteristic.

Players are not allowed to discuss sexual or NSFW topics in chat or in any other way on the server.

  • This includes sharing explicit content or links to explicit content, making sexual or suggestive comments, or engaging in sexual roleplay.
  • If players wish to discuss mature topics in a more private setting, they should do so outside of the game and server.

Players are not allowed to be excessively toxic towards others in chat or any other way on the server.

  • This includes repeatedly using abusive language, personally attacking or insulting others, or intentionally disrupting the game experience for others.

Sharing of Personal Information

You are not allowed to share sensitive information about other players, this rule extends outside the server, even if you have explicit permission from the affected player and even if it's done in a joking manner. This also includes tricking players into sharing sensitive information. Please respect everyone's privacy.

Begging and being an Annoyance

Repeatedly begging or being an annoyance in chat can disrupt the flow of conversation. To ensure that everyone can enjoy the server, we strictly prohibit players from engaging in such behavior.

  • Players are not allowed to repeatedly beg for items, ranks, or other forms of support in chat.
  • Being an annoyance includes but is not limited to repeatedly asking the same question or interrupting others' conversations.

Self Promotion & Advertising

Self-promotion and advertisement of other Minecraft servers is not allowed on the server, unless you have one of the "Media" ranks on the server, you will be punished for advertising. This includes:

  • The sharing of links or IP addresses with the goal of advertising it. You are allowed to share links and IP addresses in chat if it's for a specific person or a small group of people and not everyone.
  • Sharing of links containing malicious software or IP grabbers is not allowed.

Spamming & Flooding Chat

Spamming and flooding chat with repeated messages can be annoying to the players. To ensure that players can focus on enjoying the server and its features, we prohibit players from engaging in spamming or flooding chat with the same message repeatedly.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Sending messages really quickly with the intention of flooding the chat.
  • Repeatedly sending the same message in chat.
  • Repeatedly spamming server commands such as /msg & /tpa.
  • Using excessive caps, long messages or symbols to draw attention to a message.

Encouraging Self-harm & Death Threats

Under no circumstance are you allowed to encourage or promote self-harm in any way, shape or form, this includes sending death threats to players on the server even in a joking manner.

  • This includes sharing links, or methods related to self-harm or suicide.

Forbidden Activities

Punishment Evasion

You are not allowed to evade punishments on the server in any way, this involves joining the server on other Minecraft servers, using somebody else's account, we can see when a user is evading punishments and if caught, any alternate accounts used will receive the same punishment.

Helping or Encouraging Rule Violations

If caught intentionally helping or encouraging other players to violate the server rules and guidelines, your account may receive equal punishment alongside the person who violated the rules. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Giving the player any resources on the server with the knowledge that they'd be used to violate the rules.
  • Intentionally not reporting the player even though you had knowledge on the issue.

Engaging in Illegal Activities

Engaging in illegal activities on the server not only violates our rules, but also local, state, and federal laws. To ensure that our server remains a safe and legal environment for all players, we strictly prohibit this.

  • Engaging in such activities will result in an immediate, permanent ban without the ability to appeal.
  • If required, we will cooperate with local law enforcement.

Inappropriate Skins or Usernames

We do not allow inappropriate skins or usernames on the server and if caught having any of these, you will be denied entry on the server until you change your username/skin, failure to comply may result in a ban. Examples of what isn't allowed include:

  • Skins or usernames that contain offensive or inappropriate content.
  • Skins that appear invisible to everybody else.

Final Remarks

Violating any of the rules above may result in punishment. If you find any player violating the server rules, please report it to a staff member on the server.

If you believe your punishment was unfair and would wish to argue against your punishment, instead of contacting staff members directly, please appeal your punishment over here, appeal reviewals may take several days so please be patient.

Last updated December 8, 2023.